Jumat, 27 September 2013

Benefits and content of durian fruit

Benefits and content of durian fruit , Durian is the name of a tropical plant that originated from Southeast Asia , as well as the name of the fruit that can be eaten . The name is taken from typical fruit skin is hard and sharp grooved to resemble thorns . Popular designation is " the king of all fruits " ( King of Fruit ) . Durian fruit is controversial , although a lot of people who liked it , but some others even disgusted by the smell.

Benefits and content of durian fruit
Benefits and content of durian fruit

Indeed , plants with names durian is not a single species but a group of plants of the genus Durio . [ 1 ] , however , is the durian ( without any suffix ) usually is Durio zibethinus . Durian other types of edible and are sometimes found in the host market in Southeast Asia include lai ( D. kutejensis ) , kerantungan ( D. oxleyanus ) , durian turtles or drawbacks ( D. graveolens ) , and lahung ( D . dulcis ) . ( http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durian )

Durian tree is a wild plant that comes from the forests of Sumatra, Kalimantan , and Malaysia . The name itself is taken from the durian fruit characteristics that have leather spiked meeting with the Latin name Durio zibenthinus Murr .

Even a naturalist named Alfred Russel Wallace says that durian is a fruit -like pudding and enriched with almond flavor , sometimes ice cream flavors such as cheese , mixed with onion sauce , wine , and a variety of unique flavors .

Durian Fruit Nutrition

In addition to earning the nickname "The King of Fruit ' durian fruit is also referred to as a ' five-star ' as a complete nutritional content compared to other fruits . Among the important nutrients are vitamin B , vitamin C , iron , potassium , magnesium , phosphorus , zinc , thiamin , riblofavin , omega 3 and 6 . In addition it also contains a lot of durian phytonurient , polyphenols , phytosterols , antioxidants , organosulfur , and tryptophan . Besides, there are major nutrients such as carbohydrates , unsaturated fats , and proteins .

According to a team of researchers from Ohio State University , phytonutrients contained in durian fruit is claimed to deadly carcinogens , boost immunity , prevent cancer , diabetes , and heart disease .

Durian is also enriched with polyphenols and antioxidants such as vitamin C. The content of vitamin C in the durian fruit can reach 200 mg/100 g of fruit flesh . The figure is the highest content of vitamin C in the fruit .

Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology , School of Medicine , State University of New York at Buffalo also provide an important record of the content of durian . Based on the results of their research , phytosterol substances useful in durian , among others, to improve the anti- tumor response in the body , improve the immune system to attack cancer , and helps inhibit the growth of tumors .

Durian Fruit for Health Benefits

In addition to a sense of having a delicious taste and nutritional content is so complete , durian fruit also has many health benefits that are not less important , such as :

Prevent Aging

Vitamin C is contained in a raw material for making durian collagen . As we know that collagen is an important factor in maintaining youthful skin . Not only that , collagen also plays an important role in maintaining healthy blood vessels , bones, tendons , and ligaments .

prevent Depression

B6 contained in durian fruit can also help produce the hormone serotonin . Important hormones that make your mood for the better so as to prevent you from the risk of stress and depression .

Improve Ability Brain

A study conducted in Twickenham , London , England , said that 200 students were asked to consume adequate amounts of durian fruit at breakfast , break , and lunch . As a result, more than 80 percent of students have increased the ability of the brain to absorb the lessons and concentrate on the lesson .

Natural Sleep medicine

For those of you who rarely get insomnia and sleep quality , maybe eating durian can be an appropriate alternative solution . The content of amino tryptophan in durian can relieve anxiety , insomnia , and create feelings of euphoria by increasing the levels of serotonin in the brain . Serotonin is an important substance to regulate sleep cycles in collaboration with other substances which melatonin .

So what about the rumors that durian can be harmful to health ?

Durian fruit can be detrimental to health if you eat them in excess . It could even lead to death if you eat them along with alcoholic beverages . In order to feel the benefits of durian fruit healthy , reasonably consume 100-200 gr eat only once .

Now that the health benefits of durian fruit for the human body .
and many benefit of fruits like Nutritional Content and Benefits of Dates

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