Kamis, 26 September 2013

Nutritional Content and Benefits of Dates

KurmaKurma fruit which has the Latin name Phoenix dactylifera is a palm tree ( Arecaceae ) in the genus Phoenix . The fruit is known as a date commonly consumed as candy , especially in the month of fasting . Dates are often used as food for iftar . The taste is sweet because of the natural sugars in it are believed to rejuvenate the body after a day of fasting .

Nutritional Content and Benefits of Dates
Nutritional Content and Benefits of Dates

The origins of a date is not certain because it was spread and cultivated for thousands of years in various parts of the world . However, a study directed evidence that RMA berasl of my trees around the Persian Gulf region .

Dates for health benefits

Palm fruit is popular as Ramadan meal turned out to have the content of nutrients and vitamins that very much . Several studies suggest that the dates very well as an energy booster food .

sources of Energy

Dates have a high sugar content and are generally derived from the type of glucose and fructose . But Deglet Noor varieties are grown in California containing sucrose ( sugar ) . Type of sugar found in dates is the result of processing natural and not harmful to health .

High sugar content makes this fruit is a source of instant energy to restore the lost energy during fasting and normalize blood sugar levels . That is why it is considered as the fruit of the date palm is ideal for breaking a dish or meal . Glass of water containing glucose , according to Dr. David Conning , Director General of the British Nutrition Foundation , will be absorbed by the body within 20-30 minutes .

But the sugar contained in dates exhausted absorbed within 40-45 minutes . This is because the fibers contained therein . So that people who eat dates at meal time will be a fresh and lasting longer hungry .

source of Fiber

Dates are a good source of dietary fiber . The American Cancer Society recommends eating 20-30 grams per day . Dietary fiber consists of two types of soluble dietary fiber and insoluble dietary fiber . Insoluble dietary fiber works to increase stool volume thereby reducing intestinal transit time and more easily removed .

Decrease stool transit time will decrease the contact time the cells of the intestinal mucosa to carcinogenic substances from feces . Soluble dietary fiber may help control diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels . Additionally soluble dietary fiber also acts to reduce levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood

Vitamin :

251 kkal
Vitamin A
9 IU
2.81 g
Vitamin B1 (tiamin)
0.046 mg
66.78 g
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
0.059 mg
7.1 g
Vitamin B3 (niasin)
1.134 mg
56.38 g
Vitamin B5 (asam pantotenat)
0.525 mg
Total lemak
0.35 g
Vitamin B6 (piridoxin)
0.147 mg
Lemak jenuh
0.0028 g
Vitamin B9 (folat)
17 mcg
0.0032 g
Vitamin B12
0 mcg
0.017 g
Vitamin C
0.4 mg
0 mg
Vitamin E
0.04 mg

Vitamin K
2.4 mcg
35 mg

0.91 mg
Beta karoten
5 mcg
38 mg
Beta kriptoxantin
0 mcg
55 mg
0 mcg
484 mg
Lutein dan zeaxantin
67 mcg
2 mg

0.26 mg

Mineral resources

Dates contain minerals that are beneficial to health . Function of minerals in general are making more and more irregular heart rate , activating muscle contractions as well as play a role in blood pressure . Dates are rich in potassium and low in sodium . Potassium plays a role in maintaining muscle contraction including heart muscle .

eat - date addition serves to maintain the nervous system and balance the body's metabolism . Because potassium is not saved in the body and many lost through sweat , so it needs to be supplied from food . Potassium helps to lower blood pressure .

According to Dr . Louis Tobian , Jr. . , High blood disease expert from Minnesota University in the U.S. , dates can help lower blood pressure , and can provide additional strength in preventing stroke directly , however the condition of a person's blood pressure .

Conclusions from the results of his research that the extra consumption of potassium can be keep artery walls remain elastic and functioning normally . This situation makes the blood vessels are not easily damaged by blood pressure . The results recommended to consume about 400 mg of potassium can reduce the risk of stroke by 40 % . To meet these needs we only need to consume about 65 grams or 5 pieces of dried dates . In addition to potassium , dates also contain essential minerals such as calcium , iron , magnesium , manganese , copper and phosphorus .

sources of Vitamins

Vitamins contained in fruit and dates , including vitamin A , thiamine (Vitamin B1 ) , riboflavin (Vitamin B2 ) , niacin (Vitamin B3 ) , and pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5 ) in the amount that can be relied upon . In addition there is also the content of vitamin C and vitamin E. Vitamin A serves to maintain function and prevent eye dryness and eye diseases . Vitamin B works to calm the nervous system and for the relaxation of the heart and the mind becomes more carefree .

source of Phytochemicals

Dates contain natural salicylates in low doses . Salicylic known as aspirin raw materials , reducing medication or pain relievers and fever . Based on that the experts expect the low-dose continuous salilisat in dates can also relieve headaches . Besides that dates contain some sort of a hormone called potuchsin can shrink blood vessels in the uterus , and thus can prevent the occurrence of uterine bleeding . Dates also contain a number of phenolic compounds and carotenoids that act as antioxidants .

Come on , mumpung a date now available everywhere we buy to eat and get health benefits for our bodies . Congratulations to fast and do not forget to eat the palm fruit .

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