Kamis, 15 Agustus 2013

Often times people want white and natural. maybe this helps a little

Increase your vitamin C intake. This improves skin tone and suppleness. This will help keep your skin strong by maintaining basic support structure of collagen. You can increase your intake of vitamin C with:

    Eat more foods containing vitamin C. These include citrus fruits / juices, strawberries, sweet peppers, tomatoes, melons, and green beans.
    Taking pills vit.C. If you choose to do it this way, you should take 250 mg / day. Do not exceed this amount.

Eat more vitamin A. Because your skin is basically made up of Retinol, namely Vitamin A, this will help keep your skin healthy and strong. If you feel your skin is weak or not tight enough, which usually indicates a lack of vitamin A.

    Foods high in vitamin A include nonfat milk, oysters, and egg yolks. You can also get vitamin A by eating foods high in beta carotene, which will help minimize the effects of sun damage on your skin. These include carrots, watermelon, papaya, tomatoes, or other dark-colored products.

Minimize sun exposure and pollution. Apply sunscreen with at least SPF 15 every time you are outdoors. UVA / UVB known to be harmful for your skin because they slow down your body's ability to repair skin cells are damaged and dead ones are obvious. Pollution is also a major cause of acne and dull skin tone.

Use of skin lightening products - with caution. Skin lightening products with hydroquinone or kojic acid reduces the amount of melanin in the skin when applied [2] This can be effective, but they come with certain risks.:

    Skin whitening products have been associated with toxic levels of mercury, and therefore, with mercury poisoning. The FDA regulates the use of hydroquinone in the U.S., and so it is relatively safe. 1 of every 4 skin whitening agent from China, however, contains mercury, so it should be used with caution.
    Be careful about sun exposure while using a skin whitening agent. Prolonged sun exposure can cause skin cancer. [2] Always use proper sunscreen and other sun protection when exposed to sunlight.
    Bleaching agents can cause irritation and allergic reactions in some people. Bleaching agents with steroids, such as kojic acid, can put you at risk of health problems associated with steroid use.

Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. This will help keep your skin from drying out.

Exercise every day for 30-60 minutes. Doing this will help you de-stress and let your body detoxify.

Mix raw sugar with oil. This mild scrub on your face.

Use lemon to brighten the color of your skin. Citric acid is lemon slowly working away in pigment in your skin, but the treatment will take a while. Mix equal parts fresh lemon juice and water into a spray bottle and apply evenly on the skin that want to lighten. Consider:

    Avoid exposure to sunlight. When using lemon and other skin whitening products, always use sunscreen and avoid unnecessary time in the sun. Lemon and lemon juice can dry out the skin, leaving it vulnerable to sun damage.
    Try using lemon or orange juice every day only. Lightening your skin with lemon juice will take a long time, so tempting to try to apply a mask or lemon juice every day. Try to keep 3-4 apps every week. Lemon juice dries out the skin too much to implement every day.
    Aware of what products you put on your skin. Much of what you put on your skin gets absorbed into your body. If you use materials other than lemon juice as skin, wash, lotion, or mask, use good judgment about whether you want your bloodstream.

Make face masks. The following options will whiten your skin and improve your skin.

    Cucumber mask. Put cucumber, 1/4 cup lemon juice, 5 teaspoons of honey, and 5 tablespoons of milk to the blender. Blend until mixed. Pour mixture into a bowl. Stir in the flour until the mixture gets thick consistency. Refrigerate for 6 hours. Apply to your face once a day after you shower. You should leave it on for 15-20 minutes and wash it off with warm water and a clean towel.
    Amaranth juice mask. Blend 1/4 cup juice 1 cup spinach or spinach leaves with a small amount of warm water leave for 15 to 25 minutes.
    Mint and cream flowers. Put a handful of almonds, roses fresh pasta, honey and 5 tablespoons of fresh mint juice into blender. Blend until smooth. Apply the cream every night before bed. When cooled, the cream should last about one week.

Utilizing other home remedies. Other home remedies using items commonly found around the home can help you whiten your skin while giving a reddish sheen.

    Making masks potatoes. Potatoes may contain bleaching agents that make skin lighter while treating stains. Raw potato mash into a pulp, make a paste with a little milk and apply to skin, leave for 15 minutes. Alternately, apply slices of raw potato on the skin and leave on for 15 minutes.
    Make almond mask. Soak some almonds in water overnight. Throw out the water, mingled with either honey or almond milk, and apply as a paste on the skin. As it dries, wash it gently.
    Make tomato mask. Another natural bleaching agent, can be mixed raw tomatoes with a little lemon juice and applied as a paste on the skin. Let stand for 15 minutes before rinsing
- See more at: http://ohilovemybeautifulskin.blogspot.com/2013/07/tips-for-skin-looks-natural-shiny-white.html#sthash.egpVxm27.dpuf


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