This job is suitable for a career path , one that is Desired by everyone
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Total : 60,000
Formation for CPNSD : 40,000 people
Formation of central agencies : 20,000 people
CPNS 2013 Test Methods
Certain departments at the reception CPNS 2013 will apply to the civil servant exam system Computer Assisted Test ( CAT ) . That is the test that is done by using computer tools . Central agencies and certainly some provincial government will implement the employess CAT system .
Priority Title CPNS 2013
1 . Central agencies
Teachers ( classroom teachers , and teacher earning ) that teachers who provide life skills / life skills for students .
Lecturer .
Position law enforcement ( pro justice ) , such as prosecutors , clerks , security penitentiary ( warden ) .
Main Title (core business ) agency functions , such as :
Supervisory urban design and housing , road and bridge engineering supervisor , artist space , irrigation engineering supervisor , architect .
Examiner tax extension taxes , customs inspectors .
Examiner brand , immigration document examiner .
Mediator industrial relations , instructor , labor inspectors .
Observer volcanoes , mines inspectors .
motor vehicle examiner , supervisor of shipping safety , ATC .
2 . Regional agencies
Teachers ( classroom teachers and productive teacher ) is the teacher who gives life skills / life skills for students , teachers tataboga , craft art teacher and graphic design teacher .
medics and paramedics ( physicians , specialist physicians , midwives , nurses , and refraksionis optisien ) .
Position that encourage economic growth (pro-growth ) .
Position the act creating jobs ( pro job ) , such as welding instructor , instructor tataboga , and cosmetology instructor .
Position that creates poverty reduction ( pro job ) , as officials learned , supervising applied appropriate technology , nongovernmental mover .
Position is instrumental in controlling population growth , such as family planning counselor .
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