Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013

Work is one of our efforts to obtain money. With the work we got the money for our daily needs. Click here for some jobs update. Click here for tips on applying for jobs.


Many rivals to get into a company. There are some tips for the interview.


Look carefully at your body language to give the impression that impressive during the interview.

1. Use Watches. This gives the impression you are concerned with the time

2. Handshake. Tanganlah handshake is firm, so that the opponent can assess your handshake serious

3. Sit down 30-50% of the seats, with upright body position

4. Do not cross your arms and legs.

5. Tone of voice. inhaled a deep breath before starting to speak. set so that there is no lag when interviewed

6. Make sure your hands and your feet stay relaxed. Movement of hands and feet excessive can give a sign that you're nervous and excited.

7. Eyes focus. Squinted as he looked around the room to give the impression to the interviewer that you are not honest, or not at all uncomfortable.

8. Active listening. Listen carefully to what the interviewer. Make eye contact, nod your head as he spoke, and occasionally say short words, such as "yes" or "I see" even though you might not really understand what it conveys.


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